Heart Beets

Your Community Garden:

Heart Beets

A community garden in Aurora, Nebraska aimed at cultivating health and growing community.
We would love for you to be involved. 


Our Mission

Together we grow healthy produce and give half to local residents who do not have the opportunity to do so.

Cultivating Health

Not only are we excited about the nutritional value of our produce, but we also believe community gardens have a ripple effect of health benefits, from the benefits of working the ground to creating a healthy ecosystem for pollinators and microbes

Growing Community

With a prominent place on Highway 34, our garden is a symbol of our community's commitment to health and to one another. We strive to create a myriad of ways to be involved.

Taking soil samples in December so we can start amending the soil!

Taking soil samples in December so we can start amending the soil!

How You Can Be Involved!

Register to Be a Gardener

We are seeking 10 individuals or small groups to serve as our core group of gardeners for summer 2019. 


We have several large expenses associated with initial garden set-up. Your donations will make getting this garden off the ground possible. 

Admission Entrance with Sign.jpg

Founding Partners

This garden was born of a collaboration between Memorial Community Health and the Aurora Garden Club

Our shared commitment to the health of our community has made our partnership a natural one (pun intended.) 

A hearty thank you to Memorial Community Health for their generosity and enthusiastic commitment to this endeavor. 


The Benefits of Being Involved

Produce Yummy Produce to Eat

This garden will be planned and planted in a group production style, meaning that we will not have individual plots, instead we will share the tasks of growing the food. The design of the garden will be planned following our organic gardening workshop in February. Gardeners will then share the produce produced by the entire garden. As veggies ripen, gardeners will have the opportunity to take home a certain amount each week.

Learn Organic Gardening

Whether you are new to gardening or a seasoned pro, there is always more to learn about best practices. We strive for organic practices to maximize the health of our members and the local ecosystem.  Thank you to Dave Vetter at The Grain Place for his guidance in organic gardening practices. 

Build Community

There will be designated community work hours so we can garden alongside each other and learn best practices from one another.

Serve Members of Our Community

½ the produce we raise will go to residents of our community who may not have the chance to grow their own veggies. Thus far we have committed to bring vegetables to the Hamilton County Food Pantry.


November 2017

“We see nothing but positives growing from this idea, as a community garden could invite folks young and old to get their hands in the dirt and engage in a worthwhile venture.“

Kurt Johnson / Aurora News Register



Location and Contact

Heart Beets garden is located on the property of Memorial Community Health on the corner of the Highway 34 and 5th St. in Aurora, NE. Parking is available on the north side of the hospital parking lot. 

If you have any questions about the garden, please contact us via the contact page. 


Thank you to Our Business Sponsors!